I found this very easy, but very enjoyable too - confirmation that a puzzle can be both things. The only downside is that I have no excuse not to go back and try to finish last week’s.
Can't disagree with previous comments, though I did feel slightly short changed by the limited number of clues (admittedly dictated by the length of the quotes.)
Just what the doctor ordered after last week's slog. I found the grid fill easy (by Listener standards), but not trivially so; and I made heavy weather of finding and fitting in the replacement couplet. Good fun and something new learned. Thanks Stick Insect.
What a difference a week makes... Having slogged to the finish with Sabre's megalith just minutes before this one went live yesterday, this is done and dusted in a couple of hours. Less of a workout but no less enjoyable. I reminder of the diversity of Listener crosswords.