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Another Face Mask Thread - For Women Only

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LadyCG | 22:03 Mon 03rd Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Ladies, what face masks do you favour?

Personally I like the Montagne Jeunesse ones, but I cannot stand those ruddy peel-off masks!

I like to exfoliate and mask-up at least three times a week :-)


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Oh dear...I just looked up reviews for Glossy Box...they are horrendously bad. I thought they would be great as a present for DD. :(
My favourite mask used to be the warming clay mineral one done by the Body Shop. It felt divine as it warmed on your skin.
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Oh, I do like the self-heating masks. I think I had a Sanctuary one not so long ago. I love The Sanctuary - especially their shower gels.
I was obsessed with Sanctuary a few years ago. I've got a back log of gels, body washes and body creams to get through. Mostly bought in post Christmas sales.
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I can't seem to find Bio Oil anywhere. I really want some to massage my surgical scars on my ankles.

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Another Face Mask Thread - For Women Only

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