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Horrible Morning,

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Tashi | 12:32 Fri 07th Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
have just finished a huge pile of ironing that Dave put through the washing machine and put out to dry yesterday.
Because of my ankle I had to get Dave to set the board so I could use it sitting on a chair, worked well.
Dave on his way back from Margate, took some stuff in for Kate.


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What a mess.
An understatement
They've added more pictures since I posted the link, hence my first comment was indeed understated. all the years I have been on this site. has given very little detail of her life. She's not hiding anything, she's not sharing. Fair play to her.
So why does she try to extract info from other then?

She is no nurse, of that I'm certain. She doesn't even have basic medical knowledge. And that's the reason she doesn't "give out information" ... she's got nothing to back up her claims.

Well I am an ex nurse and you have my sympathies. A bad sprain can take ages to settle down and no one considers it can actually be that painful.
For some reason I imagined Herne Bay to be in the North East. Now I know it’s in Kent. I know this comment makes no difference to anyone, but we’re in CB. I’m just chatting or musing...
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The photo looks like Baldric's barbecue has overdone itself........

Less acid remarks from one person north of the border would help....maybe, Tashi, you should report the said person to the Ed for harrassment - which it borders on.
Turns out it wasn't an out of control bonfire but an enormous pile of pants.

On fire.
What's the definition of harrasment
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oh, douglas, I now have a quantity of porridge lodged in my nasal cavities.

Best Answer of 2020 by a country mile...... :o)
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Oh please, don’t wast your time discussing my professional life. It’s no ones business. But I’m heartened to see nm/lcg in AB. to share her medical knowledge .
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Maydup @ 2308
We're fine thanks, fire is best part of a mile away, can see and smell the smoke so all closed up and the fans on.

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