Passed through my town today and came upon a vegan 'event'.
Stopped by to have a chat. People that I spoke to came across as nothing like the vegans that ABers would have us believe.
The few that I spoke to (while i was licking my ice-cream) didnt bat an eyelid when I told them that I used to work on a farm and I know the cruelity that goes on.
Simply wished to promote and encorouge an alternative diet/lifestyle.
Had an interesting conversation about various things and left with a couple of booklets of very intersting reciepies.
Nothing like the 9iss takes that I read about on here.
The vegans I know are just people - with the same faults and attributes as the rest of us. One or two are maybe a bit over-zealous, but that happens in any sphere of interests/beliefs.
I suppose the 'preachy' ones are always glad of a soapbox, so AB gives them a platform. In the real world, people (vegans included) just get on with living.