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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 06:34 Mon 17th Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
morning one and all, no boaty as yet, I wonder if he has overslept...or computer problems again.


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See you soon. xxx
morning Chip xx
Morning everyone.
Not often I’m up at this time. Cat woke me up and it’s too light to get back to sleep.

Hope all goes well, emmie.

Boaty and Minty, how are you both?
morning Clover xx I'm fine are you ? no tourists to vie with this year ?
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morning CJ
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thanks Jo - i expect it will...
Morning clover. I'm fine thanks. How are you?
I’m fine thanks.
Plenty of tourists here now. Looks like the SW is exempt from social distancing! People milling about all over the place.
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i was down in West Sussex, and that was buzzing with people, lots on their holidays, or so it would seem. Mind you many were wearing face masks, and keeping their distance.
Good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
I'm in the South West CJ, Gloucestershire.
Morning paddy.
Morning Paddy xx
Time to make a move and be out and back before the rain arrives.

Have a happy day everyone.
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bye Boaty, have a good day.
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its warmed up a bit, i hope that it stays like it, as yesterday was abysmal.
bye Boaty xx me too time to move see you later xx

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Good Morning Early Birds

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