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Why Panic ?

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SparklyKid | 10:30 Wed 19th Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
In England yesterday, these died.

18 covid

1295 stroke

1852 heart attack

39 murdered

Makes you thick dunnit.


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SK's figures are not likely to be accurate. PP and Corby have already demonstrated that the murder numbers are almost certainly incorrect by a tidy margin. But more than that, they come to more than 3,100 for England alone for just four causes of death. The average number of daily deaths in the whole of the UK from all causes is less than 2,000. does put...
17:06 Wed 19th Aug 2020
Quite sunny here, off and on that is but pleasant warm too
ummmm please don't call me silly, you kept saying heart attacks are preventable, I was just pointing out that they are not. Heart attack was put on his death certificate, not old age!!
You are being silly. Anyone with half a brain would know I was talking about premature deaths. Premature deaths that could have been prevented with a healthy lifestyle. Same as not smoking prevents lung disease, not drinking prevents liver disease, being active and eating well prevents heart disease.

Doesn't stop it. It prevents it.
SK's figures are not likely to be accurate. PP and Corby have already demonstrated that the murder numbers are almost certainly incorrect by a tidy margin. But more than that, they come to more than 3,100 for England alone for just four causes of death. The average number of daily deaths in the whole of the UK from all causes is less than 2,000. does put some perspective on the issue. The government has introduced, and continues to introduce some of the most restrictive measures ever imposed on the population in peacetime. In fact in some respects they are more draconian than in wartime. During the war people were allowed to travel on a bus or enter a shop without a face covering and restaurants were not compelled to cut their capacity down by a third or more.

These measures are to combat a disease from which the vast majority of people who contract it will suffer few, if any significant symptoms. In the past four weeks the UK's average daily death toll from Covid is just 12. That is around 0.6% of all deaths. The number of daily new infections - even incorporating the increase which has occurred in the last couple of weeks - is considerably fewer than 2 in every 100,000 people. These are incredibly small numbers and the argument that "It will get worse if we don't keep it under control" holds no water because it's not being "controlled" and even if it was the current measures cannot go on indefinitely. The country's economy, education and social fabric (not to mention the health service treating non-Covid related illness) continues to be comprehensively trashed by ridiculous knee-jerk measures.

I keep on saying this, but the country needs to accept that this virus is here to stay for a good while. Humans interact with each other - it's what we do. Normal human contact is not an "optional extra" to be switched off and on as required ad infinitum. It is an intrinsic part of our being. Those at particular risk should they contract a virus that is currently infecting about about fifteen people in every million each day can, if they wish, take special precautions. Everybody else will have find the marbles they lost a few months ago, shake off their irrational fear and paranoia and get on with their lives before it drives them completely crackers (and they take the rest of us with them).
// But, how many fell off their bikes?//
didnt think of that - - that'll change things.
do you think there might have been a faulty hair drier massacre ?
Can’t disagree NJ.
As I said earlier, the stats provided aren’t really the most helpful. It’s the rise in deaths from measures taken to combat the virus, necessary as they may well have been, which would be most intriguing

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