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Error 403 - Forbidden

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tollview | 09:56 Wed 19th Aug 2020 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
Not been able to access my energy provider on line for past 2 days and also not been able to access programme using STV player - anyone any ideal where my problem lies?? Thanks


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Are others experiencing the same ?
Might be the energy provider's site.
STV is ok on my ipad.

What are you using - computer (and operating system version), tablet or phone and what browser?

Have you tried a different browser?
Question Author
tried a different browser - makes no difference 64 bit operating system Windows 10 I've got same problem whether I use computer, ipad or iphone
What is the name of your Energy Provider. ??

If you have problems with all devices in your household but find other places have no problem accessing the sites, you may have an IP address that has been blocked by those sites. You can either contact your service provider to find if the sites are blocking you or you could turn off your router for a period of time in the hope that when you re start you get a different IP address.
Then clear your cache and cookies just to be on the safe side

Good suggestions from Bertrum.

Further comments from you are awaited.


Question Author
Hi both - been out cycling so have switched off router for a while and will keep you posted

Energy provider EON but had access to internet whilst out and tried on my phone and was able to get through to them

Thanks just now
Question Author
Done what was suggested apart from getting in touch with IP as they don't take calls after 6pm just now - still have same problems ......any other suggestions?

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