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Discovering New (Old) Music

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pastafreak | 10:57 Thu 20th Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
...on tv adverts.
Yesterday I discovered Wanda Jackson. Her '60s song "Whirlpool " is in a new Skoda ad. This woman could SING...she was the Queen of Rockabilly, and played a mean guitar. I love her raspy, husky voice.



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Duffy sounds very much like her.
From much later but still good.

She's now 82.

I try not to think too hard about the unfathomable amounts of utterly fabulous music that I simply don't have time to discover, and resign myself to just doing my best to enjoy what I can find.
Check this out!

It's the same song played at thirty-three-and-a-third (under forties readers - ask your parents!!)
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Snap mamya and Andy...I listened to both of those last night. Tiggs...that's who I thought it was!

And then there's this...

There’s nothing better than finding a track or genre of music you completely love & have never heard before. I found a whole load of Baroque I was totally in to, every single track I love. Music is a joy x
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Isn't it!
I used to listen to a lot of Early Music...must dust off some of my old cd's. x

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Discovering New (Old) Music

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