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Having her float away or having her returned?
Depends on the child.
I know why some species eat their young!
Easily preventable, tbf. Two parents and neither really supervising a small child in the sea on an inflatable.
I'm with pixie,
at that age, how the hell do you not know what shes doing? You have too full stop.

That same inflateable I bought for my grandaughter ! Not for the water, for the garden. If this little girl was on water ... and it somehow? .. floated away?? Water/ child/ danger/ responsibility!
My younger daughter was a real wanderer and I once had a beachful of people in Cornwall searching for her (aged about 2 or 3). There were quite a few adult relatives and cousins etc all 'keeping an eye on the kids' whilst I went to get ice-creams.

Anyway, after a heart-stopping 10 mins. she was discovered and I bought a small inflatable dinghy, inflated it, filled it with sand and tethered her to it by her baby reins. Problem solved, child happy with bucket and spade.

THEN people started looking at me as if I was some sort of monster! You can't win. :(
I'm fairly confident, jourdain, that if you knew she was in the sea (ignoring the strong winds, even), you would have stayed within "grabbing" distance, if only in case she fell off. This is quite extreme.
In fairness, that’s one robust unicorn.
A calm efficient rescue by the ferry crew - well done.
It stood up to my granddaughter launching herself at it as children do anneasquith.
The instructions that came with it states ...supervision at all times !
This could have been a different story.
Aaaah, a classic opportunity for tutting and saying 'poor parenting'. Nobody's perfect.

As Will wrote (or maybe Bacon) 'All's well that ends well'
Just how many children have been rescued from seas around UK these last two weeks. Too many according to RNLI. The grandkids have floats for the pool. They are never taken to the local beaches. The directions on the boxes these come in are explicit, not a lifesaving device, adult supervision etc. All it takes is a gust of wind, turn of tide or a second to look at something else. Parents and those in charge of children on beaches must take responsibility for their safety
Re reins other people always looked at me when I used reins but safety first. Also used “Granny” wrist strap so they could look after me!
All it takes is a gust of wind, turn of tide or a second to look at something else.

I think it takes utter stupidity to let a child float away on an inflatable. You don't lose a child by looking away for a second.
The incompetence of the guardians when these happen I find bewildering.
Only a stupid parents worst nightmare, not paying attention to your children.

And then there's this idiot, you can see how rough the sea is.

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Any Parents Worst Nightmare.

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