Editor's Blog0 min ago
Fromage Frais
7 Answers
I have cooked up some turkey mince and vegetables and stock . As yet it is not thickened with anything. I have some fromage frais. Can I use this ? Would it have to be mixed with cornflour or a beaten egg ? I'm not very experienced with using FF. I just know it's best added when the stew is off the heat. Thanks.
Pause the cooking before you add it,stir in well and return to the low heat to warm through. https:// www. cheese. com/ fromage- frais/#:~: text= Fromage% 20Frais% 20is% 20used% 20similar, can% 20cause% 20it% 20to% 20curdle.
17:03 Thu 27th Aug 2020
Pause the cooking before you add it,stir in well and return to the low heat to warm through.
https:/ /www.ch eese.co m/froma ge-frai s/#:~:t ext=Fro mage%20 Frais%2 0is%20u sed%20s imilar, can%20c ause%20 it%20to %20curd le.