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What Kind Of A Day You All Had?

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Bobbisox1 | 19:32 Thu 27th Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
It's tipping it down here right now, at the moment can't pop in much due to the stuff I'm doing for my friend, just got home now, cozy with fluffy dressing gown on and a hot decaf


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Picked up my new car last night. Had a game of golf today - in Oldham! Enjoyable. Thanks Bobbi!
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Sounds like a good one 10c
Raining heavy here too. Had a routine day and now relaxing with a glass of something.
I've paid the price though, Bobbi! Aching and creakin' now. Just had a hot bath, which was very relaxing. Time now for a nosebag!
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Sharon might get a sneaky GG in after I have this coffee :0)

Enjoy 10c
About 3.30 it went as dark as night, rolling thunder and then the heaviest downpour I've seen in years. Loads of flooded roads. Within an hour it was clear blue sky and really warm sun :-)
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It started here around 5 Prudie, a steady downpour and heavy but doubt they'll be flooding, I hope not
What type of a day have I had?

Well, I had to get up fairly early for me, after a night with very little sleep (largely down to the same cat repeatedly waking me up time and time again).

Then a cat (yes, the same one!) knocked a kettle full of boiling water all over the kitchen floor. Fortunately the hot water missed the cat but it warmed my feet up for me!

Half way to the hospital, I found out that the slight pull I'd felt in the crotch of my jeans earlier on (when I'd lifted my leg to tie a shoelace) was actually rather more than that; there was a large tear in a very embarrassing place and, if I was to be on time for my appointment, it was much too late to turn back!

At the hospital, for the first time ever, there were no spaces left on the car park that's reserved for oncology patients, so I had to find a regular space and trust that the parking guy would accept the explanatory note I left on the windscreen of my car.

When I got into the hospital, the nurse tucked my hands under a heat pad for 15 minutes (to make it easier to find a vein for the canula) and then realised that she'd not actually turned it on. (I'd wondered why it didn't seem as warm as usual!)

Some time after getting home from the hospital, I realised that the nurse had forgotten to take my pre-filled syringes (that I need to inject myself with for the next few days) out of their fridge, so I had to turn round and drive the 12 miles back to the hospital again.

A cat (a different one this time) has just thrown up on my living room carpet.

Although, having had very little sleep last night, I'm now feeling rather tired, I know that there will be absolutely no point in me going to bed tonight because I'm so pumped full of insomnia-inducing steroids. So I can look forward to a day of feeling shattered tomorrow!

Oh, happy days!

Started work at 7.30 and was busy most of the day running and collating reports and stats and some financial stuff. Worked slightly over my finish time but hey ho.

We've had heavy rain most of the week here and was driving in torrential rain on Monday.

Had an argument with son's dad and waiting for him to bring him back home.
I've just had a text message from No.2 granddaughter with a recording of my yet to be born first GreatGrandchild's heart beat taken at the clinic today. Oh boy is it loud and fast. How lovely is that!!
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Oh Dear Chris, cheeky naughty moggy haha
Good luck Tiggs with little Tiggs Dad :0(
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Wow LB, how exciting for you
It peed down, tropical style, to 2.30 and then cleared up but now teeming down again.....couldn't do that much in that weather.
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Same here DT, I actually feel totally rung out to dry and wish our friends funeral was here now
It was an OK sort of day. I am trying to re-learn to play the piano and I staggered my way through a difficult bit of Clementi (it is getting better as I go - should be after 2 months and I can now manage Fur Elise). The rain starting at teatime was depressing, but before that I raided the garden and did flowers and shrubby bits to prettify the house because my sister and b-i-l are paying a flying visit tomorrow. We are going out to lunch! Yeaaah!

This evening OH nagged and nagged and finally got me writing another 500 words of an incipient novel which had got lost in the general malaise. Feel quite interested in it now and will continue. Reinvigorated.

So a lousy day weather-wise has brought a lot of good stuff! Off to bed now, quite tired. :)
Weather stinks here.
One cat the up in my bedroom, another threw up downstairs.
They get fed too much.
Stop Smoking lady rang me, to help me stop gaping. Sending me patches then the bong can go in the bin.
Son called with his dog. Dog is happy bit he is down, waiting for agent to give him work.
Waiting for youngest son to get home from work about 22:20.
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My 'book' has been put on hold right now, pity because I could lose myself in it :0(
Goodnight jourdain, sweet dreams
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Chin up TL, things will improve , I'm an eternal optimist
Well it started off with be feeling nauseous because I'm on a sugar detox but I feel better now just my normal routine it sucks that we can't do much because of covid.

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