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I've Read That Millions Of Genetically Modified Mosquitos Are To Be Released In Florida.

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sandyRoe | 10:42 Thu 20th Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
If this is a true report what could possibly go wrong?


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Oops wrong thread
I thought Florida had enough mosquitoes already.
No worries Baz, as I said , wrong thread :0)
jno's description of teeny surgical instruments is closer than you might think. Take a look at, especially the bit about microscopic needles. This is a 2016 report about an alternative approach to limit certain mosquito-borne diseases. It's not a type of mosquito much seen in Europe or other temperate zones, but the diseases involved cause a lot of misery where the 'Aedes' mosquito is prevalent.

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I've Read That Millions Of Genetically Modified Mosquitos Are To Be Released In Florida.

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