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What's Cummings Up To Now ?.

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gulliver1 | 17:40 Sun 30th Aug 2020 | News
51 Answers
Boris is thinking of Hiring A failed Australian ex P/M, Tony Abbott, to join his Con Gov,
as a Trade Adviser. Whatever that is . Do they have to Import a Failed P/M , we might have one of our own next year.


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Looks like you have just justified the post of Trade Adviser then Gully.

Bit of an own goal that one!
is there a link to this story?
In other news:
Les Patterson lined up as Culture Secretary
Rolf Harris as minister for the arts with special responsibility for young people
Ned Kelly to address law and order ...
""Alongside demands that Britain give up its right as a sovereign nation to support industries during times of national crisis, the EU has demanded that Britain agree to alignment on standards of environmental and labour regulations in order to create a so-called “level playing field”.

The bloc has also demanded that Britain submit to continued EU control over its lucrative fisheries in exchange for a post-Brexit trade deal. The British government has so far refused to bow to the demands set out by the bloc, leading to negotiations to break down.""

EU control over state aid has previously made it difficult or impossible to rescue strategic industries such as steel. It also hastened the demise of our car industries. The French and Germans of course ignored the rules and carried on subsidising coal, steel, car manufacturers, and any other sector that they saw vital to their well being and fined us if we did the same.

Tony Abbot will do us proud. He was Australian PM and will know the WTO rules andmethods of doing business off pat. We do not have a civil serpent who has a clue about the ins and outs or the internal politics of the organisation, he does. Plus he can give our Naval Border Control suits a bit of advice on how to do it.
//In other news:
Les Patterson lined up as Culture Secretary
.... //

yeah I thought gozza - gulliver that is! - had qualified himself for trade secretary

Gough Whitlam as justice secretary
One thing is for sure, the prevalent culture of the civil service has not served us well. A new broom is most welcome in my humble opinion.
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12.39 I will leave the post of Minister of GOBLEDYGOOK to you . You will not need any training it will just come Natural.
Corbyn as privy councillor, sorry, cleaner.
Certainly a lot of eejits on this site(and i include myself,before you ask).A few non-Brits.and a few Brits who dont know their *rses from their elbows.Left-wing fascists and right-wing Stalinists.Humphh.
At some point spokesperson Boris will anounce the next Cummings policy. Then we'll know.

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What's Cummings Up To Now ?.

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