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Blm Protests Usa Diners

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fender62 | 15:35 Mon 07th Sep 2020 | News
20 Answers
i wont repeat the the protestor says to the elderly diner, it's totally outrageous though
what did the fella do to offend the blm protestor, and hope to achieve, all i can see
is the business closing down and more unemployment, and a scared public afraid to go out
to dine or have a drink, let alone shop..are these democrat run cities..? is there a difference.


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I agree with you the behaviour of those who broke away from the on street march and confronted those peacefully enjoying a drink was disgusting and if they feel they have a just cause then they have let their side down badly and proved themselves to simply be out for a fight.
Birch them......please......
Remind me again how diversity is going to enhance our lives. Diversity, the opposite of unity.
There are many such videos on the net but as it is lefty violence it is super smashing and encouraged.
have you noticed how the vast majority of the protesters are young white people.

heres Bristol on sunday.
Now I'm looking forward to Ashley incorporating the feet of fire moves into the next show-stopper from Diversity.

^ Chuckle.
“ Birch them......please......”” (pleads David).

Any particular state of undress? Uniform? Sound effects?
have you noticed how the vast majority of the protesters are young white people.

Allenlondon, So you offer a choice do you. I wonder what’s your favourite. Mine is inflicting pain upon the pain inflicter’s. Strange you should consider retribution as a deviation.
This is not helping harmony at all, in fact it is doing the opposite. and needs to be stamped on fast. Becoming reminiscent of 1930's Germany. Obey the mob or suffer the consequences.

String ‘em up David, that’ll learn them.

Meet violence with violence!

if BLM had any sympathy they've used it all up now, just a bunch of lawless yobs.
Eff the white people?

What a thoroughly despicable AND racist thing to say.
Not really much difference between them and NF knobs.

The big thinkers send the mouth breathers out to do their bidding for reasons that one day may become apparent.
Maxine Waters will be well proud.
"Not really much difference between them and NF knobs."

No there isnt but then real far left and real far right pretty much have the same aims.

This of course will now incite the real far right and create yet more division. These people dont want harmony they want to rule - their way.
//Diversity, the opposite of unity.\\

How very true, both literally and figuratively. This slogan should be more widely adopted. I am going to quote it every time I come across the word 'diversity'.
How to garner 'respect' man! Admirable! :o/

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