When we did our recall training in puppy class we were shown a mini recall exercise that you can do if you're on your own.
Have puppy on a lead and stand in front of her. let him see you have treats in your hand and then walk backwards 5-10 steps (start low and build up) whilst calling "(puppy's name) come come come come" then stop, "good boy" and treat.
We were told to do this 50 times a day. Also when out for walks have a flexilead and do the recall when out walking. Most important thing is to be vocal, happy and exciting as you want puppy to come to you and not the jogger running past singing because she looks and sounds more exciting. Clap your thighs, wave your arms, shout whatever it takes to focus puppy on you.
We were told it doen't matter how many times you call as long as your dog comes back to you but you will find that with practice he will soon come on the first call.
We've been doing this for about 5months now and our puppy is excellent. We were told never to lead her off the lead unless she was 100% recall proof and although it was hard we stuck to it.
You need to take theft into consideration too, if you can't call your puppy back to you there's more chance of something happening to him especially with all this doggy theft happening at the moment.
Good luck.
As a new owner pop along to this doggy forum which has got a previous vet nurse, two qualified trainers and lots of other dog loving people. There's great advice to be found and always someone there to reassure and give a helping hand.
http://orangedog.forumup.com/index.php?mforum= orangedog