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Kindle Unlimited

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barry1010 | 11:10 Fri 18th Sep 2020 | How it Works
5 Answers
Does anyone subscribe to this? There is very little information on the Amazon site so I would be grateful if anyone can tell me how it works. In particular:
Can I download as many books as I want to at any one time?
Do they expire after a certain period?
Can I download the same book to multiple devices?



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Thanks for that, Chelle. Not so unlimited, then - 10 books at any one time
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Does anyone else do what I do with Kindle books? I put them in to my Calibre library and convert them, then download them on to my Kobo.

Can that be done with Kindle books bought through Kindle Unlimited? There is a series of 18 books that I want and if I can download the lot for £8 I'll be saving a little fortune.
Yes I gave up on Amazon books when I realised the books I'd bought remained their property and they could take them back! Always worth looking into
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chelle, if you get them in to Calibre they can remove the book from your Kindle device and apps but you will still have it on your hard drive.

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