I’ve developed a crampy spasm like pain deep in my left shoulder blade muscle that radiates up my neck. No specific movement brings it on or relieves it. I’ve been managing the pain with paracetamol and ibruprofen alternately. This all started out of the blue almost a week ago. I also suffer from migraines and I’m prescribed triptans for those. Ive unfortunately had two migraines in three days and each time the zolmitriptan has also received the shoulder pain! How?
PS shoulder pain returns the next day.
This sounds like a musculoskeletal problem and as such should go away within the next week or so with the treatment you have given yourself.
//I also suffer from migraines and I’m prescribed triptans for those. Ive unfortunately had two migraines in three days and each time the zolmitriptan has also received the shoulder pain! How?//
I have no idea why your pain is relieved by zolmitripran.
Tension from a postural problem would explain it if you get a bit of drowsiness from the migraine meds, if they make you relax a bit, pain seems to ease. It's why I use old school antihistamines with pain killers for back pain. Doesn't take the pain away but it takes me away from the pain. Not a scientific method but advice from a member of the pain team many moons ago.
you might just have twisted your neck while asleep; I've done that. It'll probably go away exactly as Sqad says. If it persists you might like to think further about posture as rowan says.