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The Russians Are Coming. . .

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Canary42 | 11:18 Mon 21st Sep 2020 | News
27 Answers

. . . or is it just more Tory sleaze.


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15.48 . "The is the News section Gulliver" you could have fooled me L/B, I thought it was the Spams and Scams section.
...and why shouldn't the Russians be cocky? After all, they own the planet Venus, and there's not many countries can say that!
no one owns space or anything in it 1967 Outer Space treaty.
Russia did not claim ownership of the moon.
The man who said it was a private contractor, not a government official, and what he said was
// We think that Venus is a Russian planet //
isn’t claiming ownership, it is indicating Russia’s long history of exploring Venus through the Venera missions.
bookbinder was talking about venus gromit, my link talks about the moon initially but later says the act applies to all heavenly bodies.
Moon? Meant to write Venus.
While the Russians were the first to land on Mars in 1971, they have largely ignored it since. NASA has made 10 landings.
The Russians put their energies into Venus exploration.

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The Russians Are Coming. . .

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