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weecalf | 10:37 Sun 20th Sep 2020 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
You were in a no smoking zone say a bus station and somebody lit up a ciggie would you mention it to them that this is a no smoking zone or just let it go ?


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As long as the smoke is not affecting me, not a word. People being silly enough to smoke and possibly ruin their health is really not my problem.
10:54 Sun 20th Sep 2020
Yes, there will be a sign if it isn't allowed.
Nothing wrong if you wish to challenge people.

I would let it go in a large space or move away.
I have...but I don't just mention it. I start talking without stopping. About where they are smoking and how that is wrong. About smoking in general and how bad it is. I would continue with tales of people I know who have been damaged by smoking both in and out of no smoking zones.
By this time I'll have bored them so much they'll have moved far, far away.
well that's all well and good if the smoker is a person who can be reasonable, a neighbour of mine told me recently that a man cut in front of her in the queue for the cashpoint and after politely pointing it out to him he became very abusive and threatened her, not only that but not one person in the queue came to her aid or at least supported her so no, I would not mention it to the smoker because you don't know what kind of person you are talking to or what might happen if you do say something.
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So there should be no non smoking areas as they could result in damage to your health by pointing them out .
For goodness sake if someone os smoking in the open air and you don't like it, just move away. No smoking signs outside are ridiculous.
I think that if you were in a bus station you would be inhaling far more noxious fumes than a single cigarette would produce.
No they aren’t.
It depends what the area is. If someone was doing it in a queue behind me I wouldn’t be at all happy. I might not say anything though sadly
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Is it acause the goverment are not really serious about no smoking as it would cost to much lost tax ,so no smoking signs can not be actually enforced by law
Its a sign of the times.:0) I saw a sign the other week on a massive car park saying, ( Caution moving vehicles) well I never. Soon they will be popping up , saying no sneezing area.
Gloucester Hospital has no smoking signs outside the entrance. They are totally ignored by patients, it's quite common to see them in wheelchairs and trundling drip stands right against the doors whilst smoking.
No smoking signs can be enforced but not by random members of the public.
Caran its difficult in hospitals....yes I get the no smoking thing. When I managed staff I enforced staff no smoking requirements strictly but when a patient is dying or a reli is struggling to take in what is happening to a loved one, lets face it, its not a good time to try and give up
No, doesn't bother me.
Where would you want them to go, caran? If they can't smoke either inside or outside?
I would prefer them to move away from the doors. Their smoke drifts into the hospital.

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