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Barsel | 15:42 Tue 22nd Sep 2020 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Support bubbles.I understand I can only be in 1 support bubble which will be with daughter A. Is there a way I can see daughter B i.e outside in a garden or a park but not in the home? Please don't send a link as they don't help me understand. TIA.


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Good for you nailit.
Nailit - Barsel is very worried about numbers and doing the correct thing by her family. Everybody is different.
We are all going to die of something sooner or later.
Get over it. And get on with it.
Support bubbles and masks??
What a load of cobblers.
You cant make a virus disappear with a mask for gods sakes!
Its here to stay.
Suport bubble all you want but the virus is airborne and here to stay.
^^that sounds a bit harsh, im sorry
Nailit - we all know what you are saying but in the meantime - let those live and let live.
that's ok - we all are on tenterhooks re all this hooha
But Covid19 is here for the long haul. No distancing or masks will stop it.
I know of at least one aber who had it, and its awful.
But its not a killer if you are fit and well otherwise.
All these restrictions are cobblers and arbitory.
Why 6? Why not 5 or 7?
Has Covid got a calculator?
IMO just do what you feel is right. You are responsible for your own actions. If someone wishes to make a fuss let them and bear any consequences.
Why are the pubs now shutting at 10?
Has Covid now got a stop watch as well?
Does Covid now become active at 10pm?
Dont be within a metre of each other..(not long ago it was dont be within 2 metres of each other) so now its got a bloody tape mesure as well!
I wouldnt want this virus,
But so far, its got a watch, a tape mesure and a calculator.
(according to government)
Think that I would rather trust Hannibal Lector as my psychiatirst than this government with its ever changing laws,...
So in conclusion read the first answer

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