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Just Thinking Out Aloud.

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SparklyKid | 16:01 Tue 22nd Sep 2020 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
On the occasion when we go out for a meal etc, my wife will ask "Should I wear the red outfit or the blue one"

If I suggest the blue one, her response is " what is wrong with the red one"

The implication is clear. Can it therefore be construed that "black lives matter" implies "white lives don't"

I suppose it is a case of what we say rather than what we don't say.

I must be bored once moew.


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The correct answer is.... You look brilliant in both, but why don't I treat you to a new one.
16:33 Tue 22nd Sep 2020
//I similarly wish that BLM had never been created//

I wish there was never a need for it to have been created.

//Human nature//

Agreed, but those two options, to my mind at least, are a direct reflection of those individuals true beliefs of race.
When everyone has finished with the burning houses and such nonsense explain how a 'white lives matter' # is wrong.

Perhaps you could explain it to the family of Daniel Shaver or Zachary Hammond or Tony Timpa?

I never asked my OH what I should wear or ask his opinion on what I am wearing. That saves a lot of problems!
Apc2604, 17.20, Gender not set , Oh dear,
No explanation from BLM supporters then?

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