Vittoria - you have every right to real bitter about your experience, I'm training to be a midwife at a large teaching hospital and I'm often disheartened by what I see. Labour and birth is a normal everyday event which the vast majority of woman are capable of doing without interference and interventions - so often things are done 'just in case something should go wrong' when they are not necessary (and often end up causing problems) Fear of being sued is a huge factor in this! I would love to work as an independent midwife and give women the care they deserve but unfortuatley independent midwives can't get insurance to practice therefore if they do practice without insurance and something goes wrong they can be sued for everything they have (house, car, savings etc..) - no wonder there are so few!!
As for your experience no wonder you were exhausted - 4hours is far too long to be pushing even with an epidural! and being on your back is the worst position for giving birth - it makes your opening in your pelvis smaller and your pushing uphill!! -