Is there a way of setting a preferred internet connection whenever it is within range? I often arrive home and find I'm connected to a BTfon site rather than my home hub, if possible I would like my phone to connect to my home hub whenever it's in range.
I don`t have the same Samsung but if I look at the hub that my phone is connected to and press the settings button next to it, there is an option to auto reconnect and that needs to be switched on to automatically connect to your preferred hub.
Thanks 237SJ but unable to find an 'auto reconnect' on my S5.
Thanks Buenchico, looks as though I could download one of those apps and solve the problem but I'm a bit concerned about battery usage.
By clicking on the items in the available Wi-Fi connections list I have found an option to 'forget' some of them, I'm hoping that might have the desired effect.
Thank you again to both of you for trying to help, much appreciated
That looks promising talhaaxhar but I'm a bit of a dumbo. Could you please guide me through steps that will enable me to "set the preferences of auto connect"