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Hot Tub

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hannah40 | 17:32 Sun 11th Oct 2020 | Home & Garden
9 Answers
Does any one use there Hot tub in the winter? I have tidied mine up for the winter but thought it was quite a nice day I could have gone in hot tub then thought no one goes in them in the winter in there garden or do they?
I went in it in March when lock down started but that was the beginning of the season.


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I don't see why you shouldn't if you want to.
Friends on mine use theirs all year round, come rain or shine.
we hired a large chalet some years ago on a skiing trip in colorado. the letting agent told us the hot tub was "on" but if we used it, we were advised to be sure to put the lid on securely, "otherwise" she said, "uhhh, you'll end up with a bear in it...". I've got a photo somewhere of us in the tub during a fierce blizzard.
Did you have a bare behind Mush?
Years ago, when I was much younger, it was great fun to be ensconced in a hot-tub having a few drinks while pondering upon the myriads of stars laced above me, and every so often getting out of the tub in order to roll around in a nearby snow-bank and return quickly to the warmth of the tub and another drink.
Sorry for my ignorance but is a hot tub american for bath.
It's sort of like a jacuzzi.
Thanx shoota
Outside, Piggy, they are meant for all year round.
We never used ours in the Summer, why bother doing so as it's hot outdoors anyway. However, it got lots of usage during the Winter. As I mentioned earlier, it was fantastic to soak in at night and watch the stars, also, if it was snowing, just to loll there and watch the snowflakes plummeting down through the steam and perish on the tip of your nose and the roiling heated surface of the tub. And then, after a few more drinks, scrunch back to the house on snow so cold that it squeaked when you trod on it...Oh, great memories:)

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