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weecalf | 13:29 Tue 20th Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Will boris impose tier what ever on greater Manchester .Ill be interested .


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I think he'll impose it, but if Manchester is as fed up as it would appear, not many will adhere to it, I suspect.
Boris is making a statement at 5 pm , sorry not sure if bbc or other .
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Boris is making a statement at 5 so mr Cummings has under three hours to get Boris word perfect can’t wait .hope the don’t pull the chase acause of it .
I won't be watching!
//Burnham has capitulated:-//

I'm not sure that's quite the case, Danny. It seems there has been no agreement. If that's the case the PM has no alternative but to impose the measures (not that I agree with them).

There are a number of potential conflicts here. Firstly, the Greater Manchester Police answer to Mr Burnham (there is no Police & Crime Commissioner for Manchester). Quite how they take their instructions from the Mayor is unclear but I imagine he has a say in setting their priorities. Secondly, Mr Burnham is suffering delusions of grandeur. He is an elected Mayor acting under devolved powers from Westminster, not a Feudal Lord operating his own personal feifdom. I admire him on one hand - the restrictions being imposed are pointless and ridiculous. But he cannot pick and choose which legislation he will "accept" and which he won't. The Westminster government has a duty to protect taxpayers' money. They can do so when it comes to Manchester. The scandal is that they cannot do so in Scotland, Wales and NI. In those provinces the UK taxpayers (predominantly the English) pick up the tab for policy decisions over which they have no control.
He hasn't capitulated, no decision has been made yet - he's asking for £75m now.
See Danny is wearing his blinkers again.
14.58, N/J " The Westminster Government has a duty to protect taxpayers money " Well how come they let Boris give £100k to his bit on the side, Jennifer Arcuri ?
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Notice we had a chart of Greater Manchester on the boris show today . Ive said it before I’ve said it in Brighton
// I think he'll impose it, if Manchester is as fed up as it would appear, not many will adhere to it,

the £10 000 fine is sort of fill out form job and not a court case in the future job so I think closed will be closed

and so it came to pass - we all support AB in the "one case does NOT fit all" idea
23.20 Brilliant , Canary.

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