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I’m Not Saying I Sleepwalk But..........

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Smowball | 11:19 Thu 22nd Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I’ve woken up this morning in bed cuddling the blanket/throw from downstairs sofa, and a tube of toothpaste!! :) :) LOL !!


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Oh how funny! This brightened up my day no end. bless you.x
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Lol hello hun! You ok? Yes,Mr Smow looked at me as if I was deranged! Lol
With it's top still on, I hope.
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Omg lol! Yes thank god!
Could have been worse.
You could have woken up in next door's bed
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Young single man - what hell that would be! ; )
LOL Smow. Perhaps this sleepwalk was a practice for the next door one?

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I’m Not Saying I Sleepwalk But..........

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