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Crackdown On Christmas

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pastafreak | 12:08 Fri 30th Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

Funny...but worryingly possible


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to be fair, Santa would have trouble wearing a mask
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Yes...a beard is a covid magnet ;)
"Not now, not ever", seems to be the official policy with regards to getting back to normal. If the immune period after infection is as short as they think, then so will be the immune period after inoculation, so it's this situation forevermore then.
Pasta that's made my day- love it :-)
Hiliarious, made me think of all the ex plods on a/b , when he said what his name was.
Haha...needed a laugh today :o)
Haaaaa! One thing that can be guaranteed at Christmas is that there will be plenty of streamers ho ho ho!!!
This chap is very funny. Some of his Prince Harry impersonations are worth watching.
Haha! Excellent! As the man says, stay safe, stay miserable everyone. ;o)
Ah well,as long as I've got me hand that's enough to lift me spirits! Booooom!
Oh and er,NO ICE (dress is in the freezer and all that) :-)
Very funny post. Thanks.
I'll have some crack down here ;)
Is stuffing allowed this Christmas? Think I'll just check with SAGE :-)

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Crackdown On Christmas

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