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Who Was The Last Potus.............

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10ClarionSt | 01:13 Wed 04th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
19 Answers win 2 successive elections? Think about it very carefully.


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Obama? I'm struggling to see why it isn't Obama.

I'll bite. Barack Obama?

Or Roosevelt?
That was my second thought. I suppose the point is that Obama (and Bill Clinton, etc) won the first election when he wasn't POTUS?
I go along with spicerack.
FD Roosevelt?
If you are already Potus you cannot win 2 successive elections as you would have already won one to become president and in the US you can only serve 2 terms except in rare occasions
its early brain not functioning.
Roosevelt won four elections in total before the law was changed to restrict the POTUS to only two terms.
I'm going to do a Baldric and say
Who cares ;-/
Franklin my dear....
Question Author
Thanks for the replies folks. Who cares? Some do, some don't. Hey ho. Twas FDR. He won his second successive election in 1940. Then a third successive one in 1944, and, as jackdaw says, the law was changed that restricted it to successive terms.
Standing ovation for FDR!!!!
Where's my BA then?
This is chatterbank, spice...mine is, therefore, the BA
// Obama (and Bill Clinton, etc) won the first election when he wasn't POTUS?//

roosevelt then

re voted in Jan 1945 and dead by April 1945 and the american people asked
why werent we told ( he was dying )
and ltd the terms to two

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Who Was The Last Potus.............

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