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Lions Quiz Sweet Tooth

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Jennifer2110 | 14:48 Sun 25th Oct 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
32 Answers
Hi can anyone help with number 71 cola bottle nemesis 6 letters. Someone suggested mentoes as you put them the cola in it explodes . What do you all think as I am really stuck on this one. It’s the last one I need. Thanking you in advance


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I'm stuck on 3, 83, 84 (Spira?) and 100 - then I can post it.
19:56 Sun 25th Oct 2020
Fuse sounds good Scorpiojo. Thank you.
Mamyalynne It is melt in your mouth not in your hand what do you mean?

You suggested an answer - check the spelling
Oh I see now. Sorry yes it should be Treets. Thank you
47) Caramac ?
Noticed earlier an answer for Q3 as Rum Truffles.As that is 3 and 8 and the Quiz sheet gives 3, 7 that must be incorrect surely
Perhaps the answer for Qu 3 is incorrect. Haven't noticed any updates.
Here are the only corrections listed on their website

2020-21 “Sweet Tooth” Errata:

Q39 should read: Robson and Roger’s (5,3,5’1).
Q96’s answer should read (1&1’1)
Please note that the Q9/Q43 paradox is not an error…

(Let us know if you think we’ve missed something!)

Thankyou Scorpiojo and Sam for Fruit Pastilles and to Tuvok for the amendments. Still don't like Mentoes for Cola Bottle nemesis as the number count is 6.
Hello Grumpy. Just checked out Caramac and yes I think you've cracked it. Thank you.
They are spelled 'Mentos'
Thank you Mamyalynne. I can see the connection now.
hi can anyone help me on

74 Not indispensible (3)
79 Sounds like it could be ours (4.3)

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Lions Quiz Sweet Tooth

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