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Totally Unfazed By The Fireworks Outside

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Bobbisox1 | 18:58 Thu 05th Nov 2020 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers
Lola hasn't even lifted her head with the bangs going on, we are incredibly lucky, I hope your pets are okay and not scared


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I always had working dogs. German shepherds and Labbies. Not known as Gun dogs for naught. Labbies not German Shepherds. My father's dog was not scared of firearms discharged in it's presence but would always come up the stairs for a cuddle in my bed on fireworks night.Really odd. I didn't mind. Joe the dog did.
Glad she's ok. My Molly never took any notice too but hated the whole NHS spoon banging thing. She would hide inside. I do feel sorry for those with pets that do worry. x
The fireworks are absolutely deafening here and non stop but Jay's not bothered at all bless him. He's just been out in the garden where it's louder, but no reaction.
What a good boy he is;-))
They’re going off left right and centre here, but Rodders seems completely oblivious, fortunately.
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Same as Lola, she went to the door and stood looking into the night-sky, he does that when a plane or a helicopter goes over too
Whisper it, the 'problem' may have been overstated.
Say it loud ... the problem is not a canine one.
My old lad Bruno isn't scared of fireworks, thankfully, but I had a dog in the past who was and it was hell on earth to try and help him, but I just couldn't and was always so glad when it was over. I know of dogs now who are scared witless and it breaks my heart to think of them suffering, particularly as it goes on for so long these days. I can't be smug because my dog is fine, there are plenty out there that aren't.

Jess is, poor thing tries to get behind the toilet. And on a night when the fireworks weren't too bad. Not a good sign for tonight and tomorrow night.
Hasn't been too bad round here so far, none of the cats seem bothered. We had the police helicopter around for about 30 minutes, very low, and that made more noise than the fireworks. A few years ago we had a cat that used to sit on the windowsill and watch.

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