I’m 22 and have woken up to a cold sore on the side of my mouth.
I am concerned about my 6 month old daughter contracting this virus as I know it can be really harmful to babies, I am obviously avoiding kisses and restricting how close I am etc. She has also had all her injections up to date.
Is there anything else I can do or I should be aware of?
My uncle and my ex used to suffer badly with them. I've never had one so the no kissing rules seems to have work (I don't kiss my uncle much btw, just a peck hello and goodbye)
I have suffered with them since I was a child and they are very painful, apply the cream as soon as you feel 'the tingle'. Mine were normally brought on by nerves by an exam etc or very often on holiday due to change of atmosphere, wind and sea air. Get them less and less now.
Apart from the obvious no kissing rule, try not to touch your cold sore as it can be passed on that way. The blister stage is most infectious I think. Wash hands often, and treat the cold sore with Zovirax or own brand cream. If it’s a really bad/big one (I’ve had some of those) tablets from the doctor are best. Hope you heal quickly. Best wishes.