According to info I should be able to receive my netscape/aol mail via thunderbird To create and configure your AOL/AIM e-mail account in applications not listed above, please use the table below. If you experience difficulties, we recommend that you contact your email client's customer support department.
Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server or
Use SSL: No
Port: 143 Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server: or
Use SSL: No
Use Authentication: Yes
Port: 587 Account Name: Username: your Screen Name (do not include or your Screen Name (do not include or Email Address: your full AOL or AIM email address ( or Password: your AOL or AIM password
how do I change outgoing server please as it is not working and I have followed the rest of instructions The Nscpe/AOL upgrade has problems I think Yesterday I got to my mailbox today logging just brings up a blank screen with a number in top left corner - do not know its relevance. Can anyone help please
Click at the bottom of that list "Outgoing Server (SMTP)". Click "add" button.
For "server name" enter
For port enter 687
Tick the "use name and password" box and type in your full email address (or without the part, whatever works), and click the "no" radio button.
To add the incoming account, click "add account.." and go through the steps. Once done it should be created on the left list (with your email address in bold at the top).
Click on your bold email address at the top and make sure your email address is correct on the right. Then also make sure the outgoing server is the one you just set up.
Now click the "server settings" item on the left.
"server name" =
"port" = 143
"user name" = your email address without the @aol part, presumably. Try it and see if it works that way. I assume assume you'll be wanting to use the "never" on the "use secure connection" box. don't tick the "use secure authentication" box either.
You're a star fo3nix I have now accessed and copied some old email for my records and listed a few sites I need to update profiles with new email address
My ISP does not allow sending from this address or a 'which' one that is also very old so in fact I only recive mail from these. Its not a problem as I just send from my domaine address
ie (port 687 defaults to 143)
very many thanks I really am grateful