Suggestions as to what can give you a bite in your house, in the shower even that leaves you temporarily deaf in one ear and with a rash down one cheek and across the head and forehead. This lasted for several days.
spider...... been thinking.
It could have been a flea OR mosquito because of the itching that you describe rather than abscence of the typical shingles pain that is dominant and characteristic of shingles.
Ticks don't just 'bite', they bury their mouths deep into your skin & hang on for dear life sucking your blood until they are bloated. If you've hosted one, it will leave a small red sore which should fade after a few days, but if it stays red & enlarges to the size of say a pound coin, you have to get to emergency for antibiotics asp cos it can kill you.
I live in a beautiful part of the world, but unfortunately it's also home to many ticks - et in Arcadia ego :0)