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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 23:59 Thu 26th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Hello all ..... ♥♥♥



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Evening, Mamya and all. Have to post another one of these because he has such a beautiful voice.

I had to research him because he fascinated me. Should be performing on Broadway.
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Hi Gness, I agree - brilliant x
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Hi Patsy x

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Ooops, wrong thread last time - sorry folks.....
Evening all . . .
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Good evening Canary x
Blimey, Canary! I’m confused enough these days without you making it worse! Evening....... :-)
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Easy done I suppose :-)

It's goodnight from me, sleep well everyone ♥

Sleep well, Mamya....x

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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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