Iq 1675 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Iq 1675

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hankir | 16:44 Sun 29th Nov 2020 | Crosswords
8 Answers
My right 4 columns have missing answers.
I have 4 clashes so far. Seems I am missing 1 or 2.
Answer length may be longer.

8a. Guts from a local happened to enthral the writer (4)

21d. Playing chess after elevated discussion in social functions (6)

30d. Some whisky, hot? That’ll make Scots gasp (4)

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30 Pegh, gasp. Peg, some whisky and H, hot.

21 Thematic. Klatsches, social functions, coffee mornings.
Question Author
Thanks NAC.
Now I have 5 clashes.
Still working on 8a.
WAS [around] ME ('the writer).
... = (dialect + C17th lit.) 'wombs'.
Question Author
Thanks ProfessorMaisie.

Scottish words are tough for me.
Thanks, PM. I had the correct entry - using Me and what was in the grid, but had no idea of the parsing!
And me, hankir (and even for most Scots!).
It's a nice sounding word, neveracrossword - sounds like something Lear or Carroll would like (and not necessarily Scottish, according to Chambers).

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