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Dick Emery

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barry1010 | 09:55 Sun 29th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
95 Answers
Ch 5 is showing a documentary about him tonight. I loved him when I was a kid and it will be interesting to see if I find him funny now I'm all grown up. The gurgling vicar had me in stitches.


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For anyone interested, mosy o the above mentioned old radio shows are still broadcast on Radio 4 extra, Usually in the mornings. I often listen to them. Although I can't reach for the off control quick enough when the Goon Show comes on.
I never found The Goons remotely funny, both as a child and an adult.
i did when a child.
Sorry for typos....most of the above
My name is Harry Worth.....remember the window sketch?
Bootsie and Snudge
Charlie Drake
Billy Dainty for his silly walks
Wasn't The Army Game the predecessor to Bootsie & Snudge?
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couldn't quite get charlie drake, but used to love Bootsie and Snudge
Used to love watching Dick Emery. Stanley Baxter was also a favourite. In fact I liked most of the ones mentioned.
Barry said it was common in the navy, Sqad. But I see you managed to sneak in ;-)
Barry Barry help !
the dick emery POW sketches - where are they ? in the series I mean. Dick E did a lodda series and I cant sit through them - (oo I am naughty and I dont like them!")

Dick E was on his way out in the early sixties, ( yes really ) and was reduced to opening Fetes in county villages. So he came to lunch and spent the whole meal discussing my father POW escapades including three escapes. 1963 looking back on 1940.

twenty years later I was walking froo a room full of dozing old people ( toothless: " oh yes we like Dick thingey! whatsit") and saw my father in one of the sketches ( as a character , silly! ) - there were no replays then and even now I cant sit thro much Dick E
Are there are lot of POW sketches and which series .... ?
thx - by that time my father had been dead for ten years
- or was my glimpse just a one off ?

Not sure it's the one you remember Mr PP but here's a Dick Emery prisoner of war sketch.

Starts from around 2:35

that is very generous of you china jan
( and um didnt re kindle my enthusiasm for D Emery)

scene in a Nissen Hut - escape cttee ( again )
where is X -(a tunnel probably)
oh that is in the post-house
and the Y ( another tunnel )
oh that is in the club house
and the Z - oh that is in the sh....
( gales of canned laughter)
and actors' characters all need names even if not mentioned in the sketch ( Col. Clutfuttock etc ) in the credits as they rolled, Captain Pedant rolled past....Not in the days you can roll it all back

Many thanks for your help Chinajan
Most welcome

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