Barry Barry help !
the dick emery POW sketches - where are they ? in the series I mean. Dick E did a lodda series and I cant sit through them - (oo I am naughty and I dont like them!")
Dick E was on his way out in the early sixties, ( yes really ) and was reduced to opening Fetes in county villages. So he came to lunch and spent the whole meal discussing my father POW escapades including three escapes. 1963 looking back on 1940.
twenty years later I was walking froo a room full of dozing old people ( toothless: " oh yes we like Dick thingey! whatsit") and saw my father in one of the sketches ( as a character , silly! ) - there were no replays then and even now I cant sit thro much Dick E
Are there are lot of POW sketches and which series .... ?
thx - by that time my father had been dead for ten years
- or was my glimpse just a one off ?