In the repair shop the man hammered the Pennies only plastic strip on it was sorta raised in the middle but when the ladies collected it the strip was level against the wooden frame . Or am I imagining it . Lovely programme won’t stop me watching it
The glass over the strip at the top was broken and probably that moved that bit of card...By the time that machine was taken apart and put back together that original piece of , what looked like laminated , card was flattened back and put back into place. Great to agree with you.
When the man put the door on the hinge he hammered the plastic pennies only on to the unit then .
It looked curved in middle .but later it looked flat to unit .Ok he removed it an put it back again no problem just saying .
They sounded and looked like real pennies to me...I love that programme and particularly the young woman who asked for and got that mannequin ... and took it home on a trolley..(well done her!) the repair was fantastic. Such clever impressed