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Great Weather Here, I'd Rather Have Snow

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Bobbisox1 | 10:58 Sun 06th Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
It's never stopped raining for two days ......
Oh yes and we're having roast beef for dinner ( Sqad ) hahaha


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its been raining here Bobbi, but its stopped i think, hopefully, as am meeting up with a mate for a coffee. Shepherds pie later on...
It's bright and sunny here...and I haven't a clue what I'm eating today.

Brilliant sunshine here, we have been so lucky with the weather so far.
its been variable so far, but nice to get out if only for a short while
don't know about the snow bit Bobbi, it rarely settles down here these days. Minty has been snowed in by the looks of things.
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it's stopped raining now here but it's very dark and gloomy, I envy you meeting your mate Emmie in your Tier 2
she suggested it, we had a nice little natter, but won't be meeting up again as she is away next weekend.
its been grey and has rained but its stopped for now.
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arh Our day will come when we can put all this horrid year behind us and live normally :0)
will take some time Bobbi, we just have to be patient.
Damp and grey as an old man's underpants here. Judging by how low the clouds are hanging the elastic is shot too. He needs to change them.
Sunny and still here in the far SW.

Thinking of going for a walk but a few clouds are now gathering. Left it too late , I think.
You're right. Two days ago it was all snowy, and suddenly it is raining cats and dogs. Climacell on my phone shows it is going to rain all week in North Yorkshire. At least you had some roast beef. It was butternut squash soup here :D
We had some frost yesterday. Went when the sun stopped hiding. Today we are back to grey with showers i.e. horizontal pour downs. Getting very fed up with weather, news and general atmosphere.
I have to take tablets to keep some bit or other of me going so cannot even drink my unjollity away.

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Great Weather Here, I'd Rather Have Snow

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