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jennyjoan | 16:05 Tue 08th Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
I have a measuring jug with litres and pints marked on it - I have to weigh 350ml of water - what would that be.


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the biggest ever Emmie LOL - would invite you but you live too far away
oh shame
When I saw the OP jenny I thought you were becoming a Muslim
Are you O_G's brother Khandro?
Are you going to throw it in the bin as you always do, JJ?
It's all a bit of a giggle, only you JJ could get away with asking how to measure out 350 ml in a measuring jug :-)
mamya, I hadn't scanned through he thread :0)
OG said the same
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as long as yous got a giggle

no Barry tenten - I won't be throwing this out - that would be a sin in front of God
angel cake then.....
jj, just the other day you said every time you make a pie you can't eat any of it and it goes straight in the bin - too many calories
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I know what you meant Barry luv - but this is bread. Still feel the oul guilty twangs re the rough puff pastry.
you fantastic introduction to metric

1 ml is 1 g
1000 ml is 1 litre is 1 kilogram

none of this pint of clear water is a pound and a quarter crap

so 350 ml is 350g exactly

( we used to have to do maff in imperial - torture)
Oh you're baking bread! Love fresh, home baked bread, I do

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