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Tipping The Postie

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Maydup | 11:31 Sat 12th Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
75 Answers
I haven't tipped the postie in the past as I had very few deliveries and rarely saw him. This year has been very different with more online shopping and lots of friendly contact especially in the summer when we were in the garden.

I'd like to thank him this year for being an absolute treasure, whats the going rate?


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I haven't tipped in the past as I felt they were doing their jobs, just like anyone else in the service industries: bus drivers, rubbish collectors and so on. But this postie is extremely good and my tip will be as a thank you for going above and beyond this year, for cheering us up and indeed, for not just doing his job.

Hairdresser gets a 10% tip, I didnt give any more or any less when I went last week. It was £25 cut and blow dry, the same price as normal despite being closed through out the two lockdowns.

During the first lockdown we would tip the Asda delivery person, because they were putting in the hours. We stopped once the shops reopened.
then its up to you, 10, 20??
To people who earn very little, a few quid extra is very often much appreciated.

A fiver, tenner, - that’s often an hour’s pay. Twenty is a decent tip, a drink, a takeaway.

Many on here could spare 5 or 10 - and whoever received it would be very happy.

I remember when I worked, peripherally, in the design/PR ‘industry’, and how many people could scarcely carry home the vast quantities of alcohol that were given as gifts.

It made me sick.

Nothing to add I'm afraid, maydup.
It's just that when I saw the thread title, I wondered if it was a euphemism.

Or maybe I was thinking of "Tipping the Velvet" ;o)
But only because I was just on Bakers Dozen's thread about another Sally Hawkins film.

I think I shall go and lie down. ;o(
See shoota at 11.26...
sorry 11.56
Great minds eh...? :-)
My considerable apologies, Shoots.

Odd that we should both have the same idea ;o))))
Maydup, you could try tambo's tip - give the postie a haircut.
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Strangely enough he could do with a hair cut jno! But he'd probably pay me £20 not to go near him with my lawn edger.
I tipped the milkman £10 this year. Not a single missed delivery all through Covid.
I'll suggest The Builder and Shoota go and lie down together.... great minds indeed?!..... ;-)
Why do some professions get tipped but others not? I've worked all my life and never done a job where I have been tipped apart from the odd drink from a grateful owner when their dog won a race when as a teenager I worked at the local dog track. I wouldn't expect to be tipped or to tip.
when i worked in pubs our tips used to be a drink, which you couldnt take right off because otherwise you couldn't do your job, but after the shift was over then one could settle down with whatever one's tipple and enjoy it.
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Its about looking after people I think Lankeela. We tend tip people who make us feel special.

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