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Good For You Boris

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weecalf | 13:04 Sun 13th Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Won’t have pleased the out now folk but you have shown leadership . Now Boris call a new referendum and get rid of this sill Brexit notion . Only saying


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don't know, watch this space as they say
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It could be just an extension to talks so it’s nothing to worry about . Now where were we ?
making a nuisance of yourself by the looks of it.
only saying don't make it so. many wanted out, many didn't, lets see what Boris can achieve, if does cave in then can't see him staying in the job.
I'm not sure that I know what all this means. If it is just carry on talking till Dec. 31st then I see no harm. If it means postponing our final exit then that is very bad news.
it would be jack, perhaps we should have some faith that all will turn out for the best

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Good For You Boris

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