You need to create an online signature which is basically a photograph of your written signature which you can copy and paste onto documents. There are some websites that will create your online signature for you, for a fee, but you can do it yourself buy writing your signature on a piece of paper, scanning it into the PC, saving it and copying and pasting wherever needed.
Usually typing your name is enough but one company insisted on a handwritten signature. I found it easiest to print the document, sign it then scan it.
Luckily I have one of those all in one printers
If you don't have a printer you can take a photo of signature on android mobile phone. You can resize to show only the signature using the edit tools next to the picture in gallery. Then you can upload to computer via USB cable. Hope this helps.
If you’ve received a document for signature, you can use various available tools to sign the document. You can use the following tools:
• DocuSign
• SignX
• HelloSign
• Adobe Sign.