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Tiny Remote Control

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jennyjoan | 23:36 Fri 01st Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Any ideas to keep it being lost or falling to the back of settee never to be seen again


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Designate a spot on that little table next to you, and only ever put it there.
There is a range of remote control caddies to hold remotes etc on the arm of your chair - they range up from a £5.
My solution has always been to have it/them in one place only, either that or buy a tidy for your remotes - you can get them that go on the chair/sofa arm.
put velcro on the back of it, and stick it somewhere handy
Had a look on amazon jj, and sticky velcro strips are available from £3 with free postage

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Tiny Remote Control

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