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weecalf | 11:24 Mon 04th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
are There any rules against lying in parliament ?


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They have to. Its the law.
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What lie ?
Since they stopped removing their heads.. lying is no big issue!
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So we can’t be sure of anything said in the house then .
I would never have assumed we could
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look at whats being said here . Lying is the norm in parliament is that so ?
it only happens when their lips move
Never met an honest politician
I don't think so.
Here's a chap clearly lying about seeking compromise. Apparently you just get laughed at for lying.

MP (thundering about something or other): "Are we going to take this lying down?"

Another MP: "No, the man from Hansard's doing that."

In fact MPs are not allowed to call each other liars in the Commons.
oh, apparently that last sentence is no longer true.
Jacob Reece-Mogg is excellent at lying. There are several photos of him reclining ;o)
If you cannot lie, you cannot be an MP!
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So Boris is gonna address the nation tonight as he has done in the past . So will he be telling lies tonight ?

The lies were on Marr on Sunday.

BJ: Schools will open as normal next week - big fat lie.
No one lies in Parliament they are all economical with the truth.

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