allready posted in people and places but put it here hope nobody minds has any abers northeastern ones more likley ever been to jersey farm for a meal its in barnard castle?
ok! Ok! don't let it get to your head. Well I thought you were but it is now nearly half an hour since you came on this thread and no-one has come with you yet.
Yigoh, it can be a bit of a minefield here but most of the time, even tho I don't participate, it's just loads of harmless fun. You'll get used to it and will eventually find something for yourself as well as some fav ABers.
ok I believe you, youv'e allways been a gentleman to me so far, and the biggest flirt on this site I've noticed, hope you don't have a poor wife wanting your attention.
well i had to leave the thread early but i,am glad you fellow northeasterns had a bit of a chat with each other, theres a few more on here than i thought there was the more the better i say it will even the balance with the southeners, a balance and not a devide, cos the exprets are allways saying this, i know that northeners are more intelegent, better looking and more friendly than southeners!!!!! only joking honest!!.