Quizzes & Puzzles15 mins ago
Hip Hip But Not Hooray!
29 Answers
Must me having a moan again.
I have six children, five boys and one girl.
One of my sons got Perthes Disease in his left hip when only aged ten.
He had several operations over the next seven years, all unsuccessful.
Then aged almost eighteen, he had a total hip replacement.
Sadly, he continued to have problems, mainly with nerve damage.
Now aged thirty, he lives in constant pain, and although was working as a carer, and hopes to again soon, his difficulties remain.
Then my daughter when she was about thirty, developed the same problem, but in her right hip.
She too had a total hip replacement, but the surgeon severed some nerves and did other damage, and this has left her seriously disabled, and unable to continue working as a nurse.
She cannot walk without the aid of crutches and lives in constant pain, controlled by really strong drugs. She is only thirty eight and has six children.
Life is so unfair isn't it?
A thread on here earlier today concerned conjoined twins, so compared to their parents I am really not in a position to complain, but I wish I could take the pain for my kids.
One of the reasons I get so down at times.
But, as the saying goes, there is always somebody worse off.
I have six children, five boys and one girl.
One of my sons got Perthes Disease in his left hip when only aged ten.
He had several operations over the next seven years, all unsuccessful.
Then aged almost eighteen, he had a total hip replacement.
Sadly, he continued to have problems, mainly with nerve damage.
Now aged thirty, he lives in constant pain, and although was working as a carer, and hopes to again soon, his difficulties remain.
Then my daughter when she was about thirty, developed the same problem, but in her right hip.
She too had a total hip replacement, but the surgeon severed some nerves and did other damage, and this has left her seriously disabled, and unable to continue working as a nurse.
She cannot walk without the aid of crutches and lives in constant pain, controlled by really strong drugs. She is only thirty eight and has six children.
Life is so unfair isn't it?
A thread on here earlier today concerned conjoined twins, so compared to their parents I am really not in a position to complain, but I wish I could take the pain for my kids.
One of the reasons I get so down at times.
But, as the saying goes, there is always somebody worse off.
//but I wish I could take the pain for my kids// As a parent myself, Im sure you do Theland. But realisticall y, we cant. My own parents cant take my own pain (mental or physical). I cant take my own son's pain. Our own pain and our own struggles are unique to us!
19:37 Wed 06th Jan 2021
He died about 20 years ago....heart attack, he was a prodigious smoker, no personality but a bloody good surgeon.
I still have the hip that he did almost 40 years ago and have never had any trouble with it.
That was John Murphy.
John Charney retired to Wales and died in about 1980 I think.
He was the father of hip surgery inthe World.....you had the best Alavalaf.
I still have the hip that he did almost 40 years ago and have never had any trouble with it.
That was John Murphy.
John Charney retired to Wales and died in about 1980 I think.
He was the father of hip surgery inthe World.....you had the best Alavalaf.
Must agree .. we got on well as we were both engineers.
https:/ /www.jo hncharn leytrus t.org/s irjohn. html
Our eldest had that when he was at Junior school. He wore a calliper for a few years which seemed to correct it. Now he runs marathons. One strange side effect was that he became a really good spin bowler as he could not run up to bowl fast. He also played for the Towns Under 11's Rugby league team as a hooker.
So it is not always bad news.
So it is not always bad news.
yeah you know I wd whine .....
come come my dears
Arbuthnot Lane experimented with an ivory prosthesis 1909.
he was the one struck off for doing total colectomies on rich women for auto-intoxication. Operative mortality 20%
so HE was the first
and the second was - - - Judet ( Fransh )
https:/ /www.nc bi.nlm. nih.gov /pmc/ar ticles/ PMC1296 815/
1950 ! christ I didnt realise it was that early
Charnley went back to uni and did engineering when a consultant. - and the big thing was .....
biomechanically the best result was NOT to mimic the anatomical configuration but that the femoral head should be relatively large
of course the engineers here wd know that
( sorry I cant resist being snotty as ever)
oh we had ward rounds on how to design prostheses from Lettin. His Lettin shoulder prosthesis was less successful.
eek really crap actually
https:/ /online .bonean djoint. org.uk/ doi/abs /10.130 2/0301- 620X.64 B1.7068 719
McMinn - oh dear dear -
https:/ /www.in depende nt.co.u k/news/ health/ derek-m cminn-c elebrit ies-hip -surgeo n-gordo n-strac han-wag ner-bir mingham -b60512 1.html
has been keeping femoral heads like golf balls ( there is a law against this after the baby organ scandal)
and his hemiarthorplasty ( I have one and wanted another) is under - - investigation. I wanted one so badly that I wd pay and was told that they werent allowed to do it - even if I paid
and that is the end of -- - hip replacement update
come come my dears
Arbuthnot Lane experimented with an ivory prosthesis 1909.
he was the one struck off for doing total colectomies on rich women for auto-intoxication. Operative mortality 20%
so HE was the first
and the second was - - - Judet ( Fransh )
1950 ! christ I didnt realise it was that early
Charnley went back to uni and did engineering when a consultant. - and the big thing was .....
biomechanically the best result was NOT to mimic the anatomical configuration but that the femoral head should be relatively large
of course the engineers here wd know that
( sorry I cant resist being snotty as ever)
oh we had ward rounds on how to design prostheses from Lettin. His Lettin shoulder prosthesis was less successful.
eek really crap actually
McMinn - oh dear dear -
has been keeping femoral heads like golf balls ( there is a law against this after the baby organ scandal)
and his hemiarthorplasty ( I have one and wanted another) is under - - investigation. I wanted one so badly that I wd pay and was told that they werent allowed to do it - even if I paid
and that is the end of -- - hip replacement update