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Went Out With Friend On Christmas Day And He Was Wearing A Fedora Hat

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burlyshirley | 13:56 Wed 06th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Ever since then and still now I have been inundated with adverts for fedora hats on my laptop.
Coincidence, or does the laptop know ...... ??



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Burlyshirly I know exactly what u mean. I’m convinced Siri, Alexa etc listen to our conversation. Pick up on key words n then the ads come thruZ Yes call me mad but ... it’s possible.
14:17 Wed 06th Jan 2021
I've got casters as well now , nur nur nur nur nur
>>> It gets weirder

Not really. Like many, many other sites, The Answerbank uses tracking cookies, so that your (apparent) interests on one site can lead to you seeing relevant ads, both on that site and on other sites which use the same system.

So if you're looking at posts about hats on AB, you can expect to see ads for them appearing here. Similarly, if you search on Amazon for shower fittings, and then come to AB, it's highly likely that you'll see ads for shower fittings here on AB.

Such things are common across the internet but, as The Answerbank is actually run buy a company that specialises in digital marketing (SilverDisc Limited), it should be no surprise at all when such targeted ads appear here.
I'm going to wear a stetson to work tomorrow, just to see what happens.
you'll be seeing ads for cattle, Lady CG
A little while ago you regaled us with the Christmas gift you were giving yourself
Unthinkingly. I clicked the link and ever since I have been haunted by the very smart headwear
Not complaining. they are infinitely better than some of the rubbish that pops up !
Enjoy your celebration tomorrow!
Thanks, Haras2. The champagne is chilling ;-)
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Still think it's odd that my friend wears one and then I see nothing but ads for them.

Walk past my house in your stetson LCG so that I can see you and let's see if the ads change to stetsons from fedoras ! Lol.

You won't recognise me, burleyshirley, because I'll be wearing my Zorro mask as well (and carrying my swashbuckling sword). I'm a snazzy dresser really.
And then there's me with a mattress on me back trotting along after Lcg :0/
Unless you prefer the ads, try this:
Perhaps you have triggered a Weightwatcher's bot to think of an anagram of fedora hat as in 'Oh dear, Fat'...hopefully, you aren't overweight.....
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^ That post is almost as strange as the fedoras that keep popping up everywhere !
Ok, I get it.
You like the ads.
Something to complain about, instead of removing the problem.

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