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What Has Happened To The Early Bird Crew This Morning ?

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seekeerz | 09:41 Wed 20th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Question says it all Boaty or the rest of the crew from the good ship E B ...hope everyone is ok :))


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sorry seerkeez, no show from boaty, so will say good morning one and all
perhaps everyone is having a lie in - not sure about Minty as she
sometimes starts up if boaty doesn't. but she not been well -
Wow, that must be a first, this non appearance. Hope all is ok.
Oh good morning, just got up myself.
have a shop online delivery this morning and i wasn't ready as he turned up 40 minutes early so expect him soon.
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I’m just about to get my dinner, so I’ll say Good morning to all - and take my leave, have a good day !!
Good morning all.
bye seek, morning Danny
Hi all he does have problems sometimes with internet access and it's not very clement weather at the moment.
hi tony, he does, but most unusual for someone not to open - still
how jen?
Morning. WBM said he went for an appointment at the hospital the other day. I hope he's well.
emmie I've started
morning Naomi, sure he is,
bit confusing tony now we have two threads...
Bit late I think emmie, Jen is not good, pain relief not working, although she is asleep now
sorry to hear that tony

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What Has Happened To The Early Bird Crew This Morning ?

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