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Good Morning Early Birds

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murraymints | 08:13 Mon 25th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
good Burns day morning all xx back in the land of the living..just...hope you are all good today...


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Morning Danny.
something of a contrast with yesterday, bright blue sky at the moment, not a hint of a snow cloud.
do you know when you are going home theland.
Doctor will tell me today. They might want to give me home oxygen.
I'll ask for helium. I could do with a good laugh :-)
Happy Burns day Minty ,
Good morning all, still bitterly cold , no snow has fallen but we've had a heavy frost which refuses to budge, I hope both Boaty and Minty are feeling much better now xx
do what they tell you otherwise it just means a longer stay -
And theLand too x
Morning Bobbi, Minty seems a little bit better, no word about boaty as yet.
Good Morning all and happy burns day. Had a bit more snow overnight. Was thinking about Boaty, although he was by his words "just going in for s simple op", hospital will not discharge him because he lives alone, his age and underlying medical conditions. The hospital will want to make sure he is fully capable of taking care of himself. That's my thoughts anyway.
morning Tony
does anyone know what is wrong with him?
Morning Tony.
Hope you and Jen had a peaceful night.
emmie think he had a problem with his toe, DTC probably has more definitive information.
oh ok, haven't seen dtc this morning....
how is Jen by the way - are you trying to get hold of a doctor this morning
Morning Theland, not a particularly good night Jen was awake at 4 and needed to go to the loo, which she can't get to unaided. Her pain is still there and it looks to my untrained eye that two more toes have / are losing blood supply. I called District Nurses, got through to coordinator who said he would contact district nurses. No call so rang again, this time different story, can't do anything, continue with pain relief, that's fair enough, but current pain relief is not working.... Last district Nurse that called on Friday, said "any change, give us a call". Jens condition has changed and I rang. I'm am at a loss what to do next. My thought is to take a picture and send it to GP, who District Nurses liaise with.
As a PS have been in touch with Social Services, who will arrange a visit to see what aids are available to make Jens life easier.
can you do that, take a photo to see what they say....
Yes providing I can get email address but cannot connect to GP's website at the moment, will try again later.

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