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Name A Food You Could Never Eat Lol

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Smowball | 11:49 Tue 02nd Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
No matter what you paid me I could never eat liver! Bleugh!! Never lol


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Dislike tripe intensely.

Hi McMouse, quite the stranger. x
^ Agree with that.
^ that was to jj109.
Eye balls don’t work for me.
I've never tasted tripe. Doesn't look very appealing so will give it a miss.
i have done that, in Spain i think it was, lobster alive one minute cooking the next... same with fish, doesn't bother me in the least.
When I was in Cyprus one time, I was at a restaurant and a waiter came and stood next to me. I looked round and he was carrying a cooked animal skull with brain on a massive plate. I nearly fell off my chair!
Tripe, whelks, vegetable marrow, not necessarily in that order.
my nan used to cook things like pigs trotters, can't remember the taste now, but it did seem strange.
'he was carrying a cooked animal skull with brain on a massive plate'

It will have been Lamb (or Mutton to be more precise, but not as palatable). I've been sat with a 14 year old Greek boy and a few of his family when they served up this......delicacy. It's a bit of a 'right of passage' thing, I think.
Curry ( of any description )

Bananas. Disgusting things!
Anything offal/tripe/organ/weird bits like (feet etc...), snails.... oysters and some other seafood... I love fish and like prawns, but only if they are cooked, never raw.

So no to smoked salmon and sushi too. No rare meat either. I'm a well done kind of girl.

Hard boiled eggs, I'd have them fried, scrambled, poached, love omelettes...but hard boiled, yuk!!


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